Some good banter – or so I hope – The RULES:
Maverick lives by this rule:
“Rule #93 // Descents are not for recovery. Recovery Ales are for Recovery
Descents are meant to be as hard and demanding as – and much more dangerous than – the climbs. Climb hard, descend to close a gap or open one. Descents should hurt, not be a time for recovery. Recovery is designated only for the pub and for shit-talking.”
and in equal measure:
“Rule #85 // Descend like a Pro.
All descents shall be undertaken at speeds commonly regarded as “ludicrous” or “insane” by those less talented. In addition all corners will be traversed in an outside-inside-outside trajectory, with the outer leg extended and the inner leg canted appropriately (but not too far as to replicate a motorcycle racer, for you are not one), to assist in balance and creation of an appealing aesthetic. Brakes are generally not to be employed, but if absolutely necessary, only just prior to the corner.”
Some handy GPX websites:
Convert GoogleMaps route to GPX:
Mapping in Italy
Shows roads you aren’t allowed to cycle on and highlights scenic roads:
Good mapping for bike with GPX export.,10.3623/terrain
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